Magic Moment of the Week: Did You Know?


  Did you know that fish have ear bones called otoliths.  These bones not only aid in the fish’s balance but when sliced through, the age of the fish can be determined by counting the rows of concentric rings.  This is just like a tree. Often, when the fish is consumed by a predator species […]

Greening Kurland

Trying to do something to help the environment can often seem like a dauntingly big task. Not knowing where to start or whether your small contribution will even make a difference is often what stops people from getting involved. It is much easier than you think and before you try and commit to full scale […]

The Humpback Whales Have Arrived!

Over the last two weeks the ORCA Foundation have enjoyed several exciting trips out to sea on the Ocean Blue boats. One of the main reasons is that the annual migration of the humpback whales has reached our shores and we have already seen many of these beautiful giants. The whales migrate northwards to tropical […]

Magic Moment of the Week: Skype Call to Spain, Take 2

skype call1

Our second Skype call with SEK Alboran in Spain was so nice.  The children in Spain were all dressed in fancy dress costumes as it was their last day of school. Our children learned how to write ¡Hola! and had it written on the chalkboards that were a gift from Spain

World Oceans Day

The 8th of June 2013 is World Oceans Day and it is a day in which we create awareness about the ocean, what lives in it, what threatens it and most importantly, what we can do to protect it. World Oceans Day has been officially recognised by the United Nations since 2002 and various organisations […]

Magic Moment of the Week: Great day at sea

brydes and girls

What a great trip, the sea was flat, the wind was calm and the Bryde’s whale was playing with the boat.  It swam around, behind, underneath the boat and gave us a great show.  As we waited for the whale to catch up with us, it suddenly surfaced beside us to give us this amazing […]

Magic Moment of the Week: Trip of a lifetime

brydes whale

Yesterday we had the most exciting encounter with a Bryde’s whale.  This animal was so relaxed and it swam beside, around and under the boat. We are not exactly sure who was watching whom?

Oscar Update

Our team has been busy working with our collection of turtles in rehabilitation.  We now have Oscar whom most of you have met already.  He came to us at 45g and is now a whopping 170g.  Elvis came to us next at 30g and is now 60g.  Chuw was third to us and our only […]