Magic Moment of the Week: Tag and Release fishing

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We went tag and release fishing yesterday and I caught my first fish ever! It was a Garrick that was about 32cm long. We tagged it as part of ORCA’s work with Oceanographic Research Institutes continued research on these interesting looking species.

Magic Moment of the Week: The Elusive Bryde’s Whale


We saw about 5 Bottle nose dolphins and one Bryde’s Whale. I have never seen wild dolphins or whales and because of this, it was amazing. The Bryde’s whale was about 2 metres away from the boat and it looked like it wanted to play with us. He was so fast, that I one second […]

Magic Moment of the Week: Penguin Rescue

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We were doing a rock pool health survey near Beacon Isle Hotel when an African Penguin washed up onto the shore just near us. One of the employees at BI Hotel informed us about the location and we went and collected the penguin. Speaking about being in a right place at the right time! The […]

Magic Moment of the Week: Here we come to Save the Day!

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While driving to Natures Valley to release a turtle we got a flat tire. Since we are all self sufficient strong women, we changed the tire. Then we proceeded to release the very patient turtle, which was a great success as he swam away to his freedom! Caroline Johansen

Magic Moment of the Week: Splash Down!

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In the past month we have had the opportunity to work with three green sea turtles that washed up on the beaches. Now we are putting one back in the sea thanks to the hard work of Tenikwa Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre. What a magic moment for us all.

Tag and release fishing

Fishing is a popular recreational sport in Plettenberg Bay, with a local angling club, fishing charters, recreational fisherman, and a dense influx of holiday makers who practice fishing as a hobby. Due to our dwindling supply of ocean resources, certain fish are listed with regards to their stock size as green (best choice), orange (caution), […]

Magic moment of the week: Rock pools, boring?


Whoever said that rock pools were boring have never looked close enough. We found a plum anemone in the phase of budding. What is that, well it is reproducing. Creating a miniature version of itself!

Green is the new black – greening your house

Anyone with a conservation-minded philosophy, or simply a passion for nature, should want to live consciously and conserve the natural resources that they use on a daily basis, as well as contribute towards restoration of those that they have already used. However, many of us see this as a daunting task, or believe that changing […]