Field Assistant Vacancy 2023
The ORCA (Ocean Research Conservation Africa) Foundation, a conservation nodeof Ocean Blue Adventures, is recruiting a reliable field assistant work experienceposition for a 6 month period, starting July 2023. Preference will be given to NatureConservation/Marine Biology recent graduates or relevant BSc graduates who areinterested to gain practical experiential training in marine mammal field research,conservation and […]
Humpback Whale Sightings
The Humpback Whales sightings the past week have been amazing at Ocean Blue Adventures, with guests having a blast. Did you know: Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) can grow up to 15m in length and weigh between 30-40 tonnes making it the 5th largest whale. They are normally found migrating single or in small groups aggregating […]
Magic Moment of the Week: Remarkable sightings
After a remarkable time with a Southern Right Whale inside Plettenberg Bay, we decide to take a look on the other side of the point in rougher seas. In a few short moments after bouncing around on the high swells, five Humpback Whales emerged from below each taking breaths together. Seeing not just the backside […]
Magic Moment of the Week: Start of the Whale Season
A tail slap by a Southern Right Whale signals the start of the whale season in Plettenberg Bay.
Southern Right Whales
One of the three whale species that regularly come to our bay is the Southern Right Whale, affectionately known as the “Fat Boy”. On any given year we can have 20-40 animals come to visit our bay and we can have as many as five calves born in our bay. The animals travel north from […]
Magic Moment of the Week: Missile Ahead Captain
Wow, it was like watching a missile coming to the boat. The Bryde’s whale was swimming in our direction when he surfaced and blew, then dived and turned behind the boat to surface on the other side.
Magic Moment of the Week: Bryde’s Whale
One of my favorite moments during the program was finally being able to see a whale. In the picture you can see a Bryde’s whale swimming along the front of our boat one afternoon. After going out a few times before on the boat and seeing only dolphins and seals, it was a gift. It […]
Magic Moment of the Week: Two Species at Play
One of my favorite moments during the program was watching both the humpback dolphins and bottle nose dolphins swimming together and playing in the surf. In this picture you can see the bottle nose dolphins swimming along the back of the waves. After going out several times before on the boat and not seeing anything, […]
Magic Moment of the Week: Habitat adaptation
This morning we saw how nature carries on regardless of what us humans do. A little Rock Hyrax found itself a safe haven and a ray of sunshine behind one of our sign boards, amongst all the noise from construction around him. You go little guy!